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The most common question that we get asked is “what’s that name mean?”


The Egyptians would have noticed the jackals prowling around the graveyards, and so the link between the animal and the dead was formed in their minds. Anubis was painted black to further link him with the deceased - a body that has been embalmed became a pitch black color. Black was also the color of fertility, and thus linked to death and rebirth in the afterlife.

When the Osiris worship came to power, Osiris took over many of Anubis' jobs as caretaker and protector of the dead.

As combat veterans, we have seen far too many of our friends and brethren pay full price to keep the security and safety of our country and countrymen. Therefore in an effort to become the caretaker of their souls and the protector of their sacrifice, we have become ANUBIS! The god of the dead and the protector of the path to the afterlife.

AS WE SAY AROUND HERE: ANUBIS! for your protection

I ask you to Just remember one thing: Freedom is the most expensive things you own,

even if you didn't pay for it yourself

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Anubis always manufacturers the silencers with great care and the highest standards for quality. Since we are not one of those 1,000 product a day shops its possible to spend some real time and make sure every part fits right.


Anubis can sum this up best by just quoting our founder: "Designs made by engineers that actually went to college." Can't tell you the number of times that someone has asked "what makes you better?" The answer is simple; did the other guys spend hunderds of hours developing a design under rigerous engineering scrutiny and scientific testing? or did they just go out to the shop and start cutting metal until something worked? In the end, when metal meets the stone; do you want to trust your life to a design that was made by someone that can draw a pretty picture or someone that can actaully solve a partial differential equation?


The rugged life of living in Montana at the top of the Rocky Mountians has inspired all of us here to make our products equally tough. Whether its -40 below or 100 above our products are made to survive and thrive.


The Anubis manufacturing floor is set up with modern and new American Made CNC equipment. We always use quality equipment because its important to not be using some 1988 vintage mill that has so much slack in the screws it can't hold a few hundredths much less a few tenths of a thousanth


Veteran Owned
Veteran Operated
Proud of it!

About: FAQ


Suppressors? Well isn't that cute, so a bunch of clowns with access to a keyboard went and invented themselves a new buzz word so they could sound smart. Kinda sounds like a bunch of liberals trying to come up for new names for whatever jack hole cause they want to shove down your neck this week.


American inventor Hiram Percy Maxim, son of Maxim gun inventor Hiram Stevens Maxim, invented the silencer. He received a patent for his device on March 30, 1909. He titled it a SILENCER. You have to be pretty arrogant to think you get to rename someone else's invention.


Silencers are governed by the National Firearms Act. Yes that right George Clooney, unless you’re a millionaire Hollywood star, you don’t get to run out and buy one and slap it on your Uzi and start wasting people in the mall no matter what you show in your movies. It’s under the same scrutiny as a machine gun. The NFA calls it a silencer.


The Oxford, American Heritage, and other dictionaries apply the term suppressor to such contexts as electromagnetic shielding devices, genetics, and censorship, but not firearms. These dictionaries define both silencer and suppressor as essentially equivalent and interchangeable, neither applying exclusively or primarily to sound, and both being applicable as much to complete and total quiet or to partial reduction of sound.


Ok that’s true, all the cool kids on the internet writing their blogs and the Xbox games and anybody who’s anybody are all switching over to the term “Suppressor”. Obviously anything and everything on the internet is without a doubt accurate and true.  This came about in an effort, namely started by the NRA about 2011 trying to remove the Hollywood stigma from the devices. After all according to the movie producers, the only proper use of a silencer is to assonate someone. Never mind the fact there have been essentially 0 violent crimes actually committed with one. Just like in WWII they called it combat neurosis, then combat exhaustion then battle fatigue which became gross stress reaction by the Korean War, then Vietnam combat reaction in the early days of Vietnam. After which it got changed to Post-Vietnam syndrome and then to catastrophic stress disorder. And now the DSM-III gives us PTSD in 1980. In reality, its just a bunch of pointy heads trying to make themselves sound smarter than everyone else.

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The founder of Anubis came home from the military after serving the USA. During the discharge process is the exit physical where the doctors had pointed out a significant hearing loss at the 6000 Hz band of hearing.
Like most veterans of the time, the GI Bill payed for college, but the diffaculty was hearing the proefesser lecture in the classroom. Hearing in a regular environment or in a quiet setting was not a problem. This is due to the fact that loud noises (more accuretly described as high sound pressure levels) physically destryos the lower part of the coclia in the ear which is the part responsible for hearing sounds in this bandwidth.
Years went by and after spending some time with numerous veterans this was a very common complaint with the guys that served in any combat arms specialty. In otherwords guys that shoot a lot of ammo, and even more so without hearing protection get their hearing ruined.
Some of the people that live in this country that have had the luxary to have spent their entire life never being shot at seem to have a hard time understanding why you may wish to not dampen one of your senses, such as hearing by wearing ear plugs, when your life actually depends on being able to hear somone that wants to kill you walking around the corner ahead or sneaking up behind you.
The answer became obvious, use the engineering skills learned in college and the real world practical experience with fluid dynamics to develop a superior silencer design.

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©2020 Anubis Arms, 
Butte, Montana
United States of America

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